Interesting Purdue Researcher Says Larger Gun Magazines Save Lives
Aug 2, 2019 #1 pramaglia .357 mag Messages 607 Reaction score 2,341 Location NY Interesting Purdue Researcher Says Larger Gun Magazines Save Lives
Aug 3, 2019 #2 O oc shooter .223 Rem Messages 1,291 Reaction score 843 Location Orange County ny bet that ain't going main stream
Aug 3, 2019 #3 Saltwater60 .950 JDJ Messages 33,397 Reaction score 37,649 Location Western NY Makes sense right? Why are cops not included in the magazine bans? Why don’t the military have 10 round mags while doing urban combat. Makes complete sense to me.
Makes sense right? Why are cops not included in the magazine bans? Why don’t the military have 10 round mags while doing urban combat. Makes complete sense to me.
Aug 3, 2019 #4 Acer-m14 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 35,439 Reaction score 37,708 Location Livingston Purdue .. how about gun laws make people dead ..
Aug 4, 2019 #5 Saltwater60 .950 JDJ Messages 33,397 Reaction score 37,649 Location Western NY Keep in mind though the scope of this is pretty narrow and is limited to home invasions.
Aug 4, 2019 #6 Mr. terzmo .308 Win Messages 3,151 Reaction score 3,186 Location Pendleton NY We get hosed because "like kind" in the Constitution means nothing to gun grabbers