And tomorrow morning it will still be there.That's strange. I thought the stuff in my house, that I've earned, was mine.
Seems like an armed band trying to break into houses seems like an opportunity to add scalps to those things in your house, that you've earned.That's strange. I thought the stuff in my house, that I've earned, was mine.
If this is true, they may find out how Custer felt when he came over that hill an saw all those fucking Indians.
Robert J Sutherland
is with
John Moselage
5 other
Late night tonight defending my little town of Snohomish from rioting and looting by antifa thugs. Once we got word they were on their way a thousand concerned citizens showed up, heavily armed. Not a single store was damaged and no one was hurt. Antifa showed up in little groups, saw everyone was armed and waiting, and they decided to move on. I love Snohomish County. And a big shout out to the Snohomish City police who were there with us, shoulder to shoulder, helping to defend our little town.
Antifa showed up in little groups, saw everyone was armed and waiting, and they decided to move on.
False flag. The widely touted antifa thing from yesterday or two days back was put up by some white nationalist group apparently.False flag? Or are they that brazen now? That seems like a gross breach of anything even remotely resembling opsec.
Wow. You were right.And tomorrow morning it will still be there.
Should have arrested them so they didn't move on to an undefended location.
another as in do it again, or another as in your a human also.Please please dont riot. I am truly frightened for my life and do not wish to have to kill another human being defending my life and property.
I create the bodies , i dont erase the bodies.It's 6 pigs, and it all goes away in under 20 minutes... Lmao! As per "Brick Top" in the movie Snatch! Just don't forget to remove the teeth and hair, to aid digestion
Do you know what "nemesis" means?
A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me
one of my favorite movies.It's 6 pigs, and it all goes away in under 20 minutes... Lmao! As per "Brick Top" in the movie Snatch! Just don't forget to remove the teeth and hair, to aid digestion
Do you know what "nemesis" means?
A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me
If you start heading up a driveway to loot a house, and you start passing signs that say "800yds", "700yds"...
Best to turn around....