.450/400 Nitro Ex
Just to add my 2 cents...when adding a pistol my county requires you to submit a copy of your recertification authorization with all your paperwork. Not sure what other counties do.
Mine doesn't just added 8 more of mine to my wife's permit a week ago .Just to add my 2 cents...when adding a pistol my county requires you to submit a copy of your recertification authorization with all your paperwork. Not sure what other counties do.
Last I knew there was only one or two people doing this for the whole state that would be why they are so far behind. Hence the reason those commie bastards want you to recert and update your pistols every 3 yrs.When the P-12's are submitted by Dealers they're supposed to be entered into the SP's Data Base...last I knew they were more than three years behind, and it's been that way for decades...yes, decades.
That is what I’ve been told as well. Not sure how I triggered that. State data bases are prohibited by the FOPA and have been since 1975.When the P-12's are submitted by Dealers they're supposed to be entered into the SP's Data Base...last I knew they were more than three years behind, and it's been that way for decades...yes, decades.
When the State demanded you "recertify" your handgun Licenses circa 2013, you were to list all the Handguns you had, and that was processed pretty quickly and subsequent re-certs that list would populate and you were to either agree or disagree to its correctness. Now last time I was able to recertify almost a year early: logged in last week and it said it wasn't due until July 2025 and wouldn't let me do it early...have to have the rest of the Family check theirs.Last I knew there was only one or two people doing this for the whole state that would be why they are so far behind. Hence the reason those commie bastards want you to recert and update your pistols every 3 yrs.
True , my whole family did that in 2013 and I sent all of them registered mail in one manila envelope and my one daughters info took a whole year before it showed up online. I thought that they had lost it.When the State demanded you "recertify" your handgun Licenses circa 2013, you were to list all the Handguns you had, and that was processed pretty quickly and subsequent re-certs that list would populate and you were to either agree or disagree to its correctness. Now last time I was able to recertify almost a year early: logged in last week and it said it wasn't due until July 2025 and wouldn't let me do it early...have to have the rest of the Family check theirs.
Mine wasn't due till Sept 2025 and it let me redo mine a few days ago. I figured I'd do it before I forgot this year and also because I had added a semi-auto rifle license to my license.When the State demanded you "recertify" your handgun Licenses circa 2013, you were to list all the Handguns you had, and that was processed pretty quickly and subsequent re-certs that list would populate and you were to either agree or disagree to its correctness. Now last time I was able to recertify almost a year early: logged in last week and it said it wasn't due until July 2025 and wouldn't let me do it early...have to have the rest of the Family check theirs.
Ignorant gun owners give all of us a bad name. I also know a few.Well, now I've heard everything. As a result of this thread I've mentioned to a few permit owners of the upcoming recertification requirement. Two of these knuckleheads have never recertified, ever! They're pretty much static gun owners, haven't bought a new handgun in years. One goes to the range a couple of times a year, the other probably has bullets that have turned green. One and two gun owners.
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You might not realize just how correct you are...When you distill down what the Laws actually say, the way they're Interpreted, and how they are applied you find them all in conflict.Crit, I have lived in this state all my life and I cannot understand all the gun laws, and probably don't even know what I don't know. You know as well as I that these laws are written in such a way that the state, county, town can interpret them to their political favor when it suits them. The Penny case is a good example of what I'm trying to convey. in most upstate counties he never would have been detained, let alone indicted and actually prosecuted. In my county he probably would have been awarded citizen of the year.
Yes, in shit hole USA protecting yourself and others can land you in the worst jamb you can imagine.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, this is ignorance of an ignorant law written to entrap and give NY bastard government authority to harass people. Keep in mind prior to the CCIA kicking off, not all permit holders were notified.Ignorant gun owners give all of us a bad name. I also know a few.
If you're going to own firearms in this state, you had better know the laws.
Funny story about a guy I know.....
He had been carrying a handgun for over 5 years at this time. He said something about almost having to defend himself. I asked if he was familiar with NY penal law article 35.
He said, "what's that?"
After I explained WHAT it was, he said not to worry, he knows if he's in danger or not.
Then, just for fun, I gave him a scenario.
I asked what he would do if a guy, of his same age and size, approached him in the Walmart parking lot and tried starting a fight. No hands on, just talking shit and calling you out. He said he would probably just pull his handgun at a low ready, and tell him to back off.
I said "cool, then you will most likely end up in jail."
Then I asked the same exact situation, but this time the guy grabs a baseball bat from his vehicle, and approaches you the same way.
He said, "well, I guess I'll have to wait until he hits me before I pull my gun with your logic."
I said, "nice, maybe I can bring you a milkshake while you're in the hospital."
Somehow he could not understand the difference with these scenarios.
He had absolutely zero desire to learn about justification.
There are several other bizarre stories about this guy.
Fortunately he got a DWI while leaving the scene of an accident, while carrying a handgun and being zooted on Xanax and booze.
Hey, you can't pick your family.![]()
From post #51:Ignorance of the law is no excuse, this is ignorance of an ignorant law written to entrap and give NY bastard government authority to harass people. Keep in mind prior to the CCIA kicking off, not all permit holders were notified.
"3" CCIA boned us and changed the rules.From post #51:
- From the NYSP recertification site: (OWASP CSRFGuard Project - New Token Landing Page)
If your permit was issued before January 15, 2013, the deadline to submit your recertification is January 31, 2018. If your permit was issued on or after January 15, 2013, the deadline to recertify is five years after the date the permit was issued. As a permit holder, it is your responsibility to recertify your permit whether you receive a notification letter or not. <- I love this part!
- From the site: (Frequently Asked Questions: New Concealed Carry Law)
If you have a New York State concealed carry license, you are now required to submit your recertification to the New York State Police every 3 years after issuance instead of 5 years.
So what is it? 3 years, or five years?
But what if my defense is that I never went to the .gov site, and was relying on the NY State Police recertification website as my source of truth? You know, the guys that are in charge of and managing the recertification process and database.....those dudes."3" CCIA boned us and changed the rules.
Peasants don't count.But what if my defense is that I never went to the .gov site, and was relying on the NY State Police recertification website as my source of truth? You know, the guys that are in charge of and managing the recertification process and database.....those dudes.
Exactly, that's why if you live here, it's up to YOU to pay attention. Because the NY elite are trying to entrap us, WE need to put our recertification on our calender.Ignorance of the law is no excuse, this is ignorance of an ignorant law written to entrap and give NY bastard government authority to harass people. Keep in mind prior to the CCIA kicking off, not all permit holders were notified.
Recertifying a pistol permitI’m waiting for the fun and games on my next recertification. I am PA resident, but have NY permit from my time there and am still a part time resident of NY. To do recertification I had to get non drivers ID in NY. This past year NY told me with new real ID rules PA would cancel my drivers license if I didn’t surrender NY non drivers ID. So now I don’t have NY ID to renew under. I’ll try to use old ID number
I wouldn't call those that never recertified "knuckleheads."Well, now I've heard everything. As a result of this thread I've mentioned to a few permit owners of the upcoming recertification requirement. Two of these knuckleheads have never recertified, ever! They're pretty much static gun owners, haven't bought a new handgun in years. One goes to the range a couple of times a year, the other probably has bullets that have turned green. One and two gun owners.
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