When you send it certified, return receipt you get a signed and dated receipt stating when it was received. Better proof than a made up confirmation number that flashes on your computer screen.All well and good,and i was thinking along the same lines; but you know that any reason monkeyface and the inner circle can use to deny your right will be taken advantage of. ie: Not allowing enough time.
Now thinking of doing it electronically , to avoid the persecution. Also , notice the privacy disclosure again ?
Thats part o the problem really, they dont come back at all. You will not receive another updated license showing renewed or even a letter. So lets say you are stopped for speeding. For some reason, you tell the trooper you are a ccw holder and are carrying. The only way he has of determining that the license is NY SAFE compliant is to run it. Remember, they had to have a renewal system in place by a certain time. This hodge poge half ass system, where we are suppused to do their key entry part of it for them, is what they threw together. The whole purpose of this is to have a centralized data base of all legally owned handguns. Period.Who knows. Maybe they will come back NOT restricted.
The whole purpose of this is to have a centralized data base of all legally owned handguns.
It does. Totally Illegal! Totally an infringement, just like the whole Pistol Permit Scheme. I actually don't have a problem with issuing licenses to CCW, but to have to get permission to simply own is illegal. However, since it has been in place in NY for over 100 years, the courts will call it accepted by the public.And how does this NOT fall under the Federal Law forbidding the creation of a firearm database?
You didn't think of that when you filled out the paperwork to get a pistol permit though?And how does this NOT fall under the Federal Law forbidding the creation of a firearm database?
Who knows. Maybe they will come back NOT restricted.
Don't worry, the government ID tattoo won't hurt that much.And how does this NOT fall under the Federal Law forbidding the creation of a firearm database?
Nahh, think 21st century... they'll use a chip, so they can track you real time. Takes less time to tag than tat, too.Don't worry, the government ID tattoo won't hurt that much.
When is the official deadline date?
Guess I'll mail it out return receipt signature required on Saturday the 27th of January. If we were all to do that, the postal system would get bogged down and complain and the state workers would complain at all the work they'd have to do.January 31, 2018
Guess I'll mail it out return receipt signature required on Saturday the 27th of January. If we were all to do that, the postal system would get bogged down and complain and the state workers would complain at all the work they'd have to do.
They'd have to reform it or drop it altogether.
Guess I'll mail it out return receipt signature required on Saturday the 27th of January. If we were all to do that, the postal system would get bogged down and complain and the state workers would complain at all the work they'd have to do.
They'd have to reform it or drop it altogether.
That's why I'll have it with a signature required return receipt. It'll get to Albany on time....Or the state will simply send a list of all the people submitting "late" forms back to the issuing officers with orders to rescind their licenses because of "non compliance with timely re-certification requirements" or whatever language Schiedelman's legal goons cook up.
Your status will be “No recertification on file” until your information has been entered.
Second to the last line on the form:
Tell me any state employed lawyer will not interpret that as "YOU ARE FUCKED!"