Primitive Archer - Index
I wasn't sure what you were looking for, the first site is pretty much for guys that make their own. The second site is for people that like traditional recurves and longbows, with a little how to using modern materials. The third site is a supplier of traditional archery goods, both finished product and for do-it-yourselfer's.
Iv'e been actively involved in archery for over sixty years, if I can help just let me know.
That's pretty handy but unless you have some skills already with a longbow or flatbow most people wouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a barn with that.I have seen this bow up close, its not pretty but is practical
Compact Folding Takedown Bow | Survival Bow 50lb Weight | Primal Gear
Seconded.That's pretty handy but unless you have some skills already with a longbow or flatbow most people wouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a barn with that.
Same here. I've been actively involved in traditional archery for more than 25 years myself. I'm a member on both the tradgang and Archerytalk sites and have been for many years. I taught my wife , all four of my children and countless more how to shoot recurves and longbows. Mrs.S&W Fan and I have attended one of the largest traditional archery rendezvous in the northeast down in Denton Hill PA for over 15 years. There are many more all over the country.Primitive Archer - Index
3Rivers Archery Supply – Your Longbow & Recurve Bow Experts
I wasn't sure what you were looking for, the first site is pretty much for guys that make their own. The second site is for people that like traditional recurves and longbows, with a little how to using modern materials. The third site is a supplier of traditional archery goods, both finished product and for do-it-yourselfer's.
Iv'e been actively involved in archery for over sixty years, if I can help just let me know.
It can certainly be done. You would just need the skills to do so. I bowhunt exclusively with a longbow or one of my recurves for deer, rabbits,squirrels and on occasion turkeys.Seconded.
I bow hunt with a compound bow and that's hard enough. Recurves shoot slower and with less accuracy. Using a recurve bow to hit small game is something you would never want to bet your life on. To be accurate with a recurve takes an incredible amount of practice. I can't see a scenario in which this has value, when you could already have a henry survival 22.
Primitive Archer - Index
Crossbow Strings & Cables | Best Custom Bowstrings| 60X Custom String
I wasn't sure what you were looking for, the first site is pretty much for guys that make their own. The second site is for people that like traditional recurves and longbows, with a little how to using modern materials. The third site is a supplier of traditional archery goods, both finished product and for do-it-yourselfer's.
Iv'e been actively involved in archery for over sixty years, if I can help just let me know.
I was researching building a compound bow a couple of years ago. I then found a great deal on a Bowtech Prodigy. It's still NIB.
At some point I need to get some accessories for it.
I will look you up when the time comes ...... Saratoga is a reasonable trip for me. Besides, I'll finally get to meet someone from here.You have a Prodigy and haven't used it? Shall I kick your ass now or now?? LOL Awesome bows those are. You let me know what you're looking at for acc's and I can hook you up.(just so happens I work in a pro shop that is a Bowtech dealer among others)