6.5 Creedmoor
(AMA = Ask Me Anything)
Obviously some of his answers are dependent on multiple factors (the state, the evidence, etc), but still some interesting bits.
It was from a week ago but did briefly mention the officer in Arizona with the "Get Fucked" on his rifle..
About keeping ear-pro near bedside gun:
Obviously some of his answers are dependent on multiple factors (the state, the evidence, etc), but still some interesting bits.
It was from a week ago but did briefly mention the officer in Arizona with the "Get Fucked" on his rifle..
Artwork on guns is not going to matter, unless of course you engrave on your gun "I plan to use this gun to murder X," and then that's what you do.
I don't see why a trigger job is a bad idea. A trigger job cannot turn a good shooting into a bad shooting. If the force was justified, the features of the gun are irrelevant.
About keeping ear-pro near bedside gun:
Hearing protection won't turn a good shooting into a bad shooting. Plus, it's a safety/comfort device. It's like keeping a pair of slippers by your bed, and slipping them on before confronting a burglar. The slippers are not an indication you intended to chase the burglar home and shoot him in his own garage.