As the title mostly says already, yesterday I was asked a firearm ownership question/issue that I'd never heard/seen come up and I had no good answer for it (a quite rare thing indeed).
A person I know has a NYS (upstate county issued, not NYC) pistol permit. I didn't put this specifically in pistol permits though because I suppose it could apply to all firearm licensing and different things could be discussed. So, they asked me my opinion basically on whether or not applying to have their dog registered as an emotional support animal might be considered a reason to have one's permit stripped. It's perhaps worth mentioning that in this person's case specifically , they are not diagnosed with any mental illness / psychological issue / or any other specific disability; they are simply 'long in the tooth', as it were, and living otherwise alone and such. The dog does make them not lonely, but they admitted that the primary reason they want to do it is just to be able to take the dog along with them more easily.
(yes, by the way, I'm being very non-specific with my pronouns for OPSEC , and I'm aware it reads a bit strange.)
So, what do you think ? It this person correct to be concerned about the issue ? Of course many people here will be tempted to just throw the usual "It's NY , go straight to jail" sort of comments, but I'm really looking for more than that on this one; simply because It's an 'on topic' question that I genuinely didn't/don't know how to answer. I'd be especially interested to know if anyone here has or knows someone (in 'real-life') that has some experience to answer from.
A person I know has a NYS (upstate county issued, not NYC) pistol permit. I didn't put this specifically in pistol permits though because I suppose it could apply to all firearm licensing and different things could be discussed. So, they asked me my opinion basically on whether or not applying to have their dog registered as an emotional support animal might be considered a reason to have one's permit stripped. It's perhaps worth mentioning that in this person's case specifically , they are not diagnosed with any mental illness / psychological issue / or any other specific disability; they are simply 'long in the tooth', as it were, and living otherwise alone and such. The dog does make them not lonely, but they admitted that the primary reason they want to do it is just to be able to take the dog along with them more easily.
(yes, by the way, I'm being very non-specific with my pronouns for OPSEC , and I'm aware it reads a bit strange.)
So, what do you think ? It this person correct to be concerned about the issue ? Of course many people here will be tempted to just throw the usual "It's NY , go straight to jail" sort of comments, but I'm really looking for more than that on this one; simply because It's an 'on topic' question that I genuinely didn't/don't know how to answer. I'd be especially interested to know if anyone here has or knows someone (in 'real-life') that has some experience to answer from.