.223 Rem
A frantic friend calls me, says he like to see me a soon as I can get a chance to do so. "What's the matter?" -"Oh, I don't want to talk about it on the phone."- "Ok, I'll be there soon."
Off I go with a thousand "What if's" running through my head...
Meets me at his door, says I have to go down stairs with him. Ok, no big deal, we've done this routine before. Normally it's some rare car or motorcycle related item.
Nope not this time. He points into the cross beams, "There!" "Take it down!" I see what appears to be some sort of rifle stock. Gently I remove it from it's hiding spot. Take it down and blow off some of the years of dust. Barrel is pretty rusted on the out side, stock looks fairly good. Bolt is difficult to open, but some WD40 solves that. It's empty, looks like it's chambered for a .22. Marks on the bolt end of the barrel are almost impossible to read.
Cut to the chase: I clean up the markings, Winds up being a Hoban model 45 single shot, Boy's rifle, .22 S/L/LR made in the mid to late 1940's.
It's in rough shape, who knows how long it was in the basement. It's missing the rear sight assembly. Might clean up and make a interesting wall hanger..
Off I go with a thousand "What if's" running through my head...
Meets me at his door, says I have to go down stairs with him. Ok, no big deal, we've done this routine before. Normally it's some rare car or motorcycle related item.
Nope not this time. He points into the cross beams, "There!" "Take it down!" I see what appears to be some sort of rifle stock. Gently I remove it from it's hiding spot. Take it down and blow off some of the years of dust. Barrel is pretty rusted on the out side, stock looks fairly good. Bolt is difficult to open, but some WD40 solves that. It's empty, looks like it's chambered for a .22. Marks on the bolt end of the barrel are almost impossible to read.
Cut to the chase: I clean up the markings, Winds up being a Hoban model 45 single shot, Boy's rifle, .22 S/L/LR made in the mid to late 1940's.
It's in rough shape, who knows how long it was in the basement. It's missing the rear sight assembly. Might clean up and make a interesting wall hanger..