20×102mm Vulcan
RFK Jr Disqualified From New York Ballot
RFK Jr. disqualified from New York ballot, used 'sham' address for residency, judge rules
(Via Fox News) – […] New York Justice Christina L. Ryba concluded in a 34-page decision that the rented bedroom Kennedy, 70, claimed as his residence in the state wasn’t a “bona fide and legitimate residence, but merely a ‘sham’ address that he assumed for the purpose of maintaining his voter registration” and f his political candidacy.
Blue states will block ballot accesn. That’s the feature, not the flaw.
Everything this guy does and says glows brightly. On t
s for RFK Jr., Red states will work earnestly to keep ballot access for RFK Jr.
Blue states blocking and Red states supporting RFK Jr is part of one UniParty continuum to elevate Harris and carve up Trump. Ballot access within red states allows maximum damage by RFK Jr in the November electio
he NY ballot issue RFK Jr is a Kennedy, these are not political novices or stupid people. The Kennedy’s are to politics what the Rothchilds are to finance. When they fail, it is by design. When they whine it is by design. When they draw attention to an issue, there is a purpose for it.
The Blue States will block him. The Red States will support him. The UniParty goal is to use RFK JR to maximize damage to Trump. RFK JR is willfully playing a role. The target IC audience is the alligator emoji people (DeSantis supporters).

RFK Jr Disqualified From New York Ballot - The Last Refuge
I am going to outline something that might make a few people uncomfortable. You may have recently read about RFK Jr being disqualified from the ballot in New York state. (Via Fox News) – […] New York Justice Christina L. Ryba concluded in a 34-page decision that the rented bedroom Kennedy, 70...