.950 JDJ

Rhode Island man tries to sneak 'artfully concealed' gun parts in peanut butter jars through TSA | Fox News
TSA has stopped a record number of firearms at security checkpoints this year
He should have checked his bag.
Rhode Island man tries to sneak 'artfully concealed' gun parts in peanut butter jars through TSA | Fox News
TSA has stopped a record number of firearms at security checkpoints this yearwww.foxnews.com
You seem to know a wee bit too much about this type of thing.Or hid the gun parts in sex toys wrapped up in foil
All I see in that picture is a bunch of stabby things, a few wrenches, a dummy pistol, power tools and a rolling pin (?!). Oh wait, there’s a nondescript magazine…. Gun parts, eh?Fox ... how big was that jar .. was it labeled creamy or with nuts .. crunchy .. lol
and how the hell do you fit all that in a pb jar ..
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Now I see… still, they confiscated a rolling pin?!