40 round course of fire with a par time
10 at each distance 7, 10, 15 and 20 yards.
Targets are plastic bottles.
Kicking around a 3 gun shoot later on in the year probably October if the weather holds up.
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Meters10 at each distance 7, 10, 15 and 20
Feet or yards?
If you are around on the 11th we can talk about it.Sounds like this is my excuse to go buy a .22 pistol now.
If you need help with the 3gun I am down. Haven't been able to do one since moved up.
10 at each distance 7, 10, 15 and 20
Feet or yards?
20 for non members, 15 for members.What will be the cost of entry anyway?
Met two more members from the club yesterday. They are looking frowad to it.
I hope your not in one of the wonderful counties that make you wait a month before they say "okay I guess you can pick up the gun you bought"Just ordered 22/45(posted in the thread i asked opinions about 22 pistols) should get it Monday. Hopefully i can practice at least once before Saturday. Looking forward to the shoot!
Just ordered 22/45(posted in the thread i asked opinions about 22 pistols) should get it Monday. Hopefully i can practice at least once before Saturday. Looking forward to the shoot!
29 September is the last scheduled shoot of the year. Scoped rifle steel shoot. 40 round course of fire. No artificial supports allowed (no bipods, sandbags, etc..)So I should have hung out there today. I went right after i picked up the MK IV. I was at the club around 2:30. I forgot there was a shoot on Wednesdays.
I had my daughter with me and I had a 3:30 meeting I had to get on or else I would have stayed.
Going to start showing up for shoots more.
Yeah, I got to spend some money and have to show the old guard how the games are played and how much of a money maker it can be for the club.Stay tuned. There are talks of doing a 3gun. Might be a good excuse for that road trip. I used to live in Albany and it only took my just over two hours to get up here. Maybe two and a half.