20×102mm Vulcan
The Red Guards are back.
We need to get back to a world where "being offended" by something was looked at as a sign of weakness and not a virtue.Regular people cannot speak their mind because cancel / firing culture has permeated so many companies.
I get the idea that we should vote with our feet and wallets when it comes to things outrageous. If a company is really doing horrible shit (IE, if Indian Point was found to dump nuclear waste right in the Hudson or something) of course I'd be pist at them. Real outage makes sense.
The problem is society has gotten to a point where even rational ideological differences have become grounds for cancel culture. People actively look for things to be outraged over, and, like a game, engage in this extreme shaming.
The only way to solve this problem, is that people who are "anti-cancel culture" need to actively discriminate against "pro-cancel culture" people. We need to cancel the cancel culture, but nothing else.
That's how we get rid of this extreme public shaming horse shit.