every day how many are lost to auto violence ASSHOLE .. cuzz i know your 100 every day is not in Monroe county . you would be worse then Shiraq if so ..
Trying to compare "gun violence" to any other form of death (ie: DUI, pools, etc.) with these people is pointless. They will just trot out their usual B.S. line of "but guns only have one purpose, to kill humans" or "guns are only designed to kill", implying that all other forms of death weren't "designed to kill".
My biggest question to this moron is this: "How do you intend to combat violence in the community without infringing on the Rights of Law-abiding citizens?"
If his answer is the usual "gun control" crap, then he's a non-starter.
Anytime a politician hints that the Law-abiding must suffer restrictions due to the actions of criminals, those politicians then become criminals themselves.
Ask him how he intends to curb suicide to stop 60 of those 100 "gun deaths",
and how he's going to disassemble the street gangs to stop the 40 of the remaining "gun deaths."
Pretty sure it isn't a gun free zone, it was in the Library, not the actual Town Hall. I've carried in there before and I easily could have last night, nobody was checking. If it is also a GFZ, then first I've ever heard of it