Supreme Court?The state would rewrite the new law to be as vague and obnoxious as possible.
I can’t see this ending any other way than in our favor. Maybe my wife will get her trip to NYC. I said if I can carry a gun there I’ll go with you.
Wouldn’t there be an obvious infringement that the rich and LEO are allowed to full carry but living in a high crime area doesn’t constitute to “Proper cause”? There’s an obvious discrimination among the rich and the poor stating that if you’re too broke than you can’t have these rights.Other than scotus choosing to not take up the case.
Or ACB ruling that NYC permit scheme is constitutional (literally her only 2A history seems to be the time she said not all fellons should be bared from owning guns.. so who knows how she would actually vote)
Just ride the A train and you will see soon....If the courts rules in our favor what will happen?