That's very vague so I'm not getting where you actually stand in regards to militia but if you read the Declaration of Independence, it clearly says that when the standing government gets tyrannical, the people have to have a means to abolish it.
Then shortly after a war was fought by the people in militias against the current standing army. Those people were equipped with the same weaponry as the standing army.
They won and the Bill of Rights was written with the 2A included to preserve the right for the people to do it again.
That includes, full auto, grenades, ect.
I think that's what you mean.
What I am getting at is simple. There are too many that think they know what they are talking about, many have feelings, but deep down inside, they have no idea what they are talking about.
The line in red is important... The individual Militiamen did not have all of the same weapons as the standing Army. This is a misconception. This is where, many times we lose. There were many weapons of war that the Armies had that the common man did not. This is the reason our Courts have ruled so many times against certain types of weapons for the everyday citizen.
When gun laws are argued against, the people fighting them need to use the words of the FF's spoke. Everything we need to know and understand about the Bill of Rights is in the writings of them.