Shadow rider
6.5 Creedmoor
I've been camping on Middle Saranac Lake for better than 25 years and have never seen a bear. This past week I was up from Wed to Sun and 3 out of 4 nights we had a juvenile black bear in the camp site. First night ...nothing. Second night he me woke getting into my cooler and as soon as I got the light on him (he was about 50 feet away) he went waddling his fat ass up the hill. Third night we moored the canoe and all the food in it, but the water was shallow enough for the bear to get a dry goods container out of the canoe and onto shore where he proceeded to have a feast! We never heard a peep! Saturday night, I wandered down to the shore line to gaze at the stars and while walking onto the little bit of beach at the site (I was already gazing to the heavens) I heard a splash in the water. I train my mini-mag light in the direction of the noise and sure enough...he's standing maybe 20 feet from me with his back to me and looking over his shoulder at me. He stood his ground for maybe 10 seconds before starting up the hill. At that point I started yelling at him and throwing a couple rocks his way. That was the last we saw of him. To my advantage, my friend Kimber was along for the trip.