I love the dems response "Senate Democrats see it as a ‘shoot to kill’ bill that will create an incentive for people to shoot one another" they really think the old west was like it was portrayed in Hollywood. Meet me on main street at high noon!
Hmmm...you dont say..Ok I admit, I'm scarred shitless of swimming in the ocean because of Jaws. I do admit that the fear is based on statistically minuscule percentage and a somewhat irrational fear.
These people only learn from, Media and Movies. Going out into the real world and experiencing things is far to scary. I saw a movie where Aliens came to hunt people as trophies, I'm never going to visit a south american rain forest in fear of being defleshed.
Ok I admit, I'm scarred shitless of swimming in the ocean because of Jaws. I do admit that the fear is based on statistically minuscule percentage and a somewhat irrational fear.