NY Chamorro
.357 mag
Random but real quick what was your graduating class size?
Random but real quick what was your graduating class size?
Schools like that the idea of metal detectors isnt to far fetched. But you have to think how much metal someone has on then to funnel through every morning.
Now take some schools that have thousands of students.
I'm not saying bad idea, I'm not saying I have a solution. I'm just thinking of the logistics of say a school in LA or even more so Florida where every class room is essentially a different building
I understand, but they can stagger start the kids by grades. With staggered start, the kids with a later start time will get home later, so maybe we can get rid of the classes that are not needed. lets say home economics (if they even have that still) secondary language, hell even art class...
This was predicted in 1991 in a book called Behold the Pale Horse, in chapter 12 ( the secret government). The sheep will soon demand that all guns belong in the hands of the government, completely ignoring the fact that governments killed millions of their own people in the 20th century.
I've asked myself one question many times lately-what kind of society do we live in? Today's America is far different when I was a kid. I was expected to please my parents. Today's parents are expected to please their kids. This will sound harsh, but almost everywhere I look I see spoiled overweight kids who are asked to contribute nothing, and are given everything. I had chores, and expectations. I had to earn extras beyond food, clothing and shelter. No one ever gave me a car, and I am far better off for it.
At what point did someone get to make up the rule that it was ok to murder people, because you didn't like your circumstances?
My grandkids will grow up going to schools decked out like a Federal prison, force fed thought control liberal garbage with no room for a second opinion.
What a country I live in now. Sadly, there is nowhere else to go.
I've asked myself one question many times lately-what kind of society do we live in? Today's America is far different when I was a kid. I was expected to please my parents. Today's parents are expected to please their kids. This will sound harsh, but almost everywhere I look I see spoiled overweight kids who are asked to contribute nothing, and are given everything. I had chores, and expectations. I had to earn extras beyond food, clothing and shelter. No one ever gave me a car, and I am far better off for it.
At what point did someone get to make up the rule that it was ok to murder people, because you didn't like your circumstances?
My grandkids will grow up going to schools decked out like a Federal prison, force fed thought control liberal garbage with no room for a second opinion.
What a country I live in now. Sadly, there is nowhere else to go.
Oh, come on, man. What you see on the news does not represent everyone.
GREAT post! Very true.
@libertysnake, don't take every post as if it is being pointed at you. Obviously there are exceptions to the norm. BUT, having said that; @SmallGameAddict hit the nail squarely on the head.
Incidentally, that is also the generation of being very defensive about every little comment made, like they are being challenged!!![]()
To put the blame solely at the feet of an entire generation is naive. It’s not as if I blame the baby boomers solely for not questioning politicians and setting up the political conditions for an authoritarian government.
The conditions today didn’t magically appear. They took decades of neglect to occur, long before my generation came onto the seen.
Every time this happens, I ask myself how did this world get so F... up.
We were all kids once ... there were always bullies in school. You either stood up to them or you tried to avoid them. There was always peer pressure. But we survived, moved on.. grew up, got a job & had a family. We never considered bringing a gun to school to shoot any one because we knew our parents would be "very disappointed" in us.
What happen... is there something in the water? (sarcasm) Too much social media? bad parenting/ no parenting? Or maybe these kids think back to the Columbine shooting (or any of the school shooting) & think that is the answer to their problems?
Prays & condolence to the families that lost their child in this horrific incident.
maybe just maybe its the video games. I know it sounds far fetched but, We didn't have video games that rewarded you for killing people. Hell we didn't even have electronic devices. If you grew up in a home with guns, you were taught about the consequences that would come if you pulled the trigger. Now you jump on a video game, blast a few players away, respawn and start all over. These kids are playing these game as early as age 4, The parents don't kick them off of it, hell they don't even care what they are playing. I remember, not so long ago, when the government was cracking down on music censorship. Why not look into a censorship on video games....Or I have a better idea, be better PARENTS!!!!! Slap the shit out of your kid if they deserve it!!!!
It’s not the video games. I grew up playing first person shooters. I never had any desire to hurt myself or other people.
There are several studies around this afaik. They seem to always support it’s not the games.
I agree. "some" kids have a "different mind set". They (can't) cope/ handle life differently.maybe just maybe its the video games. I know it sounds far fetched but, We didn't have video games that rewarded you for killing people. Hell we didn't even have electronic devices. If you grew up in a home with guns, you were taught about the consequences that would come if you pulled the trigger. Now you jump on a video game, blast a few players away, respawn and start all over. These kids are playing these game as early as age 4, The parents don't kick them off of it, hell they don't even care what they are playing. I remember, not so long ago, when the government was cracking down on music censorship. Why not look into a censorship on video games....Or I have a better idea, be better PARENTS!!!!! Slap the shit out of your kid if they deserve it!!!!
I agree. "some" kids have a "different mind set". They (can't) cope/ handle life differently.
All/many of us know it's just a video game or a movie. but the "unstable kids" may take it differently.
I was raised old school/ tuff love. I got the belt more times than I would like to admit. To disappoint my father was more of a burden than the act itself.
I feel children need discipline. But it seems in today's society (some) kids don't care what their parent's think.
Imo, some parents try to buy their kid's affection/ happiness by showering them with video games, cell phones, cloths, a car.
I got bullied severely as a kid, and for countless years. I got older, lifted weights and trained in hand to hand combat sports. That resulted in countless street fights for many years, but NEVER did i consider murdering groups of innocent people for it.Every time this happens, I ask myself how did this world get so F... up.
We were all kids once ... there were always bullies in school. You either stood up to them or you tried to avoid them. There was always peer pressure. But we survived, moved on.. grew up, got a job & had a family. We never considered bringing a gun to school to shoot any one because we knew our parents would be "very disappointed" in us.
What happen... is there something in the water? (sarcasm) Too much social media? bad parenting/ no parenting? Or maybe these kids think back to the Columbine shooting (or any of the school shooting) & think that is the answer to their problems?
Prays & condolence to the families that lost their child in this horrific incident.
Agreed, My wife bought all kinds of stuff for my son, but when we see anything out of the ordinary it gets taken away. He was on a game called Roblox, my wife noticed that he was getting upset, because the other players were bullying him, we banned him from playing it.
Banning him from games may not be the best of ideas. It may be better to talk to him about the bullying.
The world is a cold and unforgiving place. While you can protect him from bullying now, you won’t be able to do so forever. It happens in school, the work force, or just life in general. It’s important that he is able to overcome and deal with these types of scenarios, so that when you’re long gone he’ll be ok in life and confident in himself.
I think that is wisdom. I can honestly say that I personally feel better mentally, physically and emotionally when I take a break for at least a few days from these things. I have noticed that. Get outside, interact with others, get stuff off your to do list, do something you enjoy, make productive use of your time. The internet is generally a very negative place to be.I have done a lot of thinking and I'm making my own theory on why it "appears" the frequency of school or "mass" shootings are increasing.
This is just my theory on what I've started to work out.
My thoughts are that I think the more people rely on constant internet/social media/tv etc to fill up all their time They lose their connection with reality and society. They fall into a "culture of celebrity". Now a days it's all about how many followers you have, how many subscribers to your channel, how many people watch your videos or comment on your posts. Its become a self sustaining cycle of never ending attention seeking.
All these fake internet people do is post how wonderful their lives are and it turns into "keeping up with the jones' x10000". Even on tv half the shows are fake reality garbage .
Its all non stop attention seeking.
We have created and condoned an entire generation of people with no social skills who all compare their real actual lives to fake lives they see on the internet or tv. All these kids now have real world loneliness and can't adapt to anything.
They've been conditioned to feel entitled to the point that their feelings and ideas are more important than everyone else's. They cannot handle any type of conflict, real stress or diverging ideas.
They are lonely, isolated, more secular, jealous of others and cannot process their emotions or rationally analyze their life in comparison to others.
I see how teens and young people are now. Literally non stop on their phone and they don't even know how to interact in real life or have actual conversations.
I just think that so many people have such a warped and twisted view of what the world really is .they all believe their ridiclious fake news stories that get shared on social media and it influences them and they continuously feel worse about themselves.
As a dad I've thought about what to do with my own kids since they are getting older.
I'm not going to be popular but as a dad I've decided in not going to let my kids have smart phones for as long as possible. Maybe I'll give in at some point and get flip phones for calling and texting but I don't want my kids falling into this social media trap.
I think it is literally designed to make people dumbed down and to feel bad about themselves.
I know I'm over generalizing things but I'm really starting to think that all this non stop social media is extremely unhealthy.
Again, all just my own theory and observing, no data or research to validate any of it.
Just my .02 cents
To put the blame solely at the feet of an entire generation is naive. It’s not as if I blame the baby boomers solely for not questioning politicians and setting up the political conditions for an authoritarian government.
The conditions today didn’t magically appear. They took decades of neglect to occur, long before my generation came onto the seen.
it happened long before 20 years ago, there wasn't a 24 hour news cycle 20 years ago though.?..........I'm just pointing out that this shit certainly didn't happen until the past 20 of so years. AND these murderers are from the current generation of young people. Does that mean I think EVERY person from this generation is a murderer? Hell no I don't, that would be ridiculous to even begin to conceive.