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That wouldn't even have to happen. Any one of the republican justices could have a health issue and forced to leave. Then it's a 4:4, then Trump loses 2020, 2-3 more justices in can see where we're going.Worst scenario now? Ginsberg retires and we see this case decided with an 8 person court before the next confirmation.
This is all a tightrope. Heller and mcdonald were razor-thin wins.
I don't know enough about the court but I've read a few people who think there is potential for SCOTUS to rule widely on this. I know we all want constitutional carry and a redefinition of what the 2nd amendment is (thereby codifying the most popular rifle, for example), but who knows.
I assume this is the article to which you refer. The Supreme Court Is Preparing to Make Every State’s Gun Laws Look Like Texas’