6.5 Creedmoor
The following bills have been Reported:
- S-2102, Requires police officers to take temporary custody of firearms for not less than one hundred twenty hours when responding to reports of family violence. Companion A-2413.
- S-7365A, Requires reasonable controls and procedures to be taken with respect to the sale, manufacturing, importing and marketing of pistol converters. Companion A-10053.
- S-7802, Requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services to certify the technological viability of personalized handguns and to establish requirements related to the sale of personalized handguns. No companion.
- S-7985A, Establishes environmental standards for ambient lead and lead contamination. Companion A-8452A.
- S-8382B, Authorizes hunting big game by rifle in the county of Niagara. Companion A-9130A.
- S-9137A, Prohibits openly carrying a rifle or shotgun. Companion A-10052A.