The sad truth is we old farts who depend on meds to stay alive will be among the first to die.
Another sad fact is that very few people in NYS can prep enough to survive. If the gangs don't get you the climate will. AND that's just the coming economic collapse.
Nukes, asteroids, Yellowstone Caldara, global plague, etc.. are not survivable anywhere in the USA.
Prep all you want ---- you'll just delay your death.
Wonder if there were dinosaur preppers ?

Another sad fact is that very few people in NYS can prep enough to survive. If the gangs don't get you the climate will. AND that's just the coming economic collapse.
Nukes, asteroids, Yellowstone Caldara, global plague, etc.. are not survivable anywhere in the USA.
Prep all you want ---- you'll just delay your death.
Wonder if there were dinosaur preppers ?