.950 JDJ
I recently purchased a 365 and 365xl and I got some wonky primer strikes. I did some research and it seems fairly normal since the firing pin is on an angle. While shooting I had a few failure to fires due to light primer strikes so that lead me to take apart the striker and clean the channel with some solvent and acetone. The striker had a bunch of brown crusty grease on it and so did the channel. Both are now clean with a very fine coat of oil on the striker assembly. I wetted my finger and wiped it on the assembly.
I put it back together and when I dry fire the gun the striker doesn’t return back into the channel all the way and protrudes a bit into the chamber. The 365 does the same and doesn’t return so I can’t imagine both having issues. I read that the old strikers had some issues and the new design fixes this. I just bought my guns new so I can’t imagine this is it, but just wondering if you guys have the same occurring in your guns or not. Do you see this as an issue?
I put it back together and when I dry fire the gun the striker doesn’t return back into the channel all the way and protrudes a bit into the chamber. The 365 does the same and doesn’t return so I can’t imagine both having issues. I read that the old strikers had some issues and the new design fixes this. I just bought my guns new so I can’t imagine this is it, but just wondering if you guys have the same occurring in your guns or not. Do you see this as an issue?
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