They open them before they get "lost".Moron here…how do they know what’s in the box?
just wait till the banking institutions start freezing your accounts because you have firearms
Yeah but UPS picks it up, TSUSA does not drop it off.Doesn't TSUSA use UPS?
Maybe it's my crappy phone or my old eyes but I can't barely read the alleged letter.
But it looks like they are just clarifying their rules and standardizing their procedures.
The first clearly states that they will not accept the shipments at the customer service center and to arrange for scheduled pick up, not that they won't ship it.
From what little I can make out of the letter, it appears to be directed to a commercial customer
Yeah I think this has ALWAYS been the case. Almost 10 years ago I wanted to send a bunch of parts but I had to go to a hub. That's because I declared them to be firearm parts. Of course to the average shmo parts are the same as an actual gun so they wouldn't let me do it. You could lie and say they are tools or something but then if they get lost or something you have no recourse. These were valuable parts so I made sure to cross all Ts and dot Is. The same was true with ammo and the infamous ORMD sticker. This is just a pile on from the gun community and the opening packages fiasco but that definitely doesn't mean they don't have an agenda.Are the "customer service centers" the same thing as the UPS hubs?
Last I knew you had to go to a hub to ship firearms, parts, and ammo.
You are more than likely right.The real issue is UPS is having firearms stolen left and right and wants to increase their scrutiny of gun shipments. Because it's their own employees stealing them.
My experience is just the opposite. Although the official policy is 15 days late before they will start an investegation, UPS issued claims within 48 hours to large shooting sport parts and accessories shippers ... UPS quickly acknowledged the stuff was stolen within their system. Makes sense when the shipping route includes stops in Newark NJ and Newburgh NYI‘m sure they would deny any insurance claims on these “lost” or opened items.
If they accept the money they need to provide the service.UPS is a private carrier service. They have the right to not ship any package they choose not to for any reason. If you don't like this you can vote with your wallet.
anyone want to start a shipping company like UPS/FEDx ..
we can call it "GunRunners" specializing in shipping Guns and Ammo ..
LOL ..