Sorry, Hillary Clinton’s the one who’s unfit for the White House | New York Post
Oct 1, 2016 #1 Arjuna .338 Win Mag Messages 8,544 Reaction score 28,901 Location The Deplorable's Section Sorry, Hillary Clinton’s the one who’s unfit for the White House | New York Post
Oct 1, 2016 #2 rsmitty .45 acp Messages 379 Reaction score 308 Location CNY I don't think that there's a suitable presidential candidate. This country deserves better.
Oct 1, 2016 #3 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 36,797 Reaction score 78,490 Location My Underground Lair Denzel Washington Switches to Trump Shocks Hollywood-, Speaks Out Against Obama
Oct 1, 2016 #4 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 36,797 Reaction score 78,490 Location My Underground Lair BREAKING : Associated Press Agree Hillary Clinton Lied on Her TPP Stance and Trump Was Right
Oct 1, 2016 #5 meketrefe .450/400 Nitro Ex Messages 12,807 Reaction score 16,330 Location Dexter, ME Dont' be so hard on her. Those medications to keep her alive and talking are very strong and have lots of side effects.
Dont' be so hard on her. Those medications to keep her alive and talking are very strong and have lots of side effects.