Okay, how many of you political losers will be watching this joint Congress speech?
This is the critter that will be speaking when Trump is done....
View attachment 259258
Your son is 18 and he wants to watch cartoons.... with you? When I was 18 with the 3 ring circus I had going on in my shorts, my dad was the last person I wanted to be next to on the couch.with him being 18 the time is limited.
Okay, how many of you political losers will be watching this joint Congress speech?
This is the critter that will be speaking when Trump is done....
View attachment 259258
If my dog had a face like that.........Girl, those glasses aren't doing you any favors........................
One down...The first of many undisciplined, unhinged commies cries for attention.
Fuck you??Fuck me!!! They just kicked out Congressman Green