while the witch is handing out Narcan to help them use drugs safely ..
Can you say .. Promoting Drug Use any better ..
“Our main objective is to get naloxone kits into the hands of people … who will be in the position to respond,” Kunins said.
The FDA first approved naloxone spray in 1971, but it was only available to hospitals and emergency services.
The antidote is also available in an injection, but in briefing documents, Emergent argued the spray is easier to distribute and administer, as it’s designed for people who have not received medical training.
At the moment, Narcan is available to patients and caregivers from a pharmacy without a prescription, but experts believe the stigma surrounding the drug may prevent people from obtaining it.
." The passenger was identified as Elfin Elliot". Well, with a name like that he was kinda condemned to a life of crime at birth! It's just like naming a daughter Candy. You know dam well she's going work on a stripper pole!