Show me a press release or media statement from any arguably 2A group highlighting the failure of New York's gun control laws.
Show me a press release or media statement from any arguably 2A group calling for right-to-carry or other pro-gun reforms in light of the subway incident.
**crickets chirping**
Matters not the organization, none will be know that as well as I do.Show me a press release or media statement from any arguably 2A group highlighting the failure of New York's gun control laws.
Show me a press release or media statement from any arguably 2A group calling for right-to-carry or other pro-gun reforms in light of the subway incident.
**crickets chirping**
the fact that guns are just too easy to get
Fact: the gun was legally purchased by him in Ohio.
Fact: He was known to the FBI for previous threats and violent statements.
Fact: The FBI knew he had a gun and ignored it.
The 10-15 year sentencing is ,as you well know ,a long standing Federal minimum for convictions of perps committing a crime with a firearm. They can be enhanced if the perp has priors. The problem… prosecutors rarely if Ever seek the Federal minimus , citing the cost of trial as the main reason. (sic)I have a statement as well....
In regards to her statement and her stating of the facts, she is wrong. She is wrong on many levels. NY State does not, as a matter of fact have one of the lowest gun death rates in the Nation. NY State is 19th in gun deaths. What she is doing is screwing with numbers, numbers of deaths per 100,000 people. This is a horrible way of looking at the stats. NY State had more than 1050 killings by firearms in 2020. She claims that NY numbers are lower, as per the 100,00 persons rule.
Do we have a gun issue here in the US? I say, absolutely NOT. I have said this many times, online and in person. What we have is an asshole problem, a cultural issue and a demographics problem. NOT a gun one.
There are far more guns in the Suburbs and the Rural Areas of America and gun deaths in these two areas is tiny compared to the larger city's. The Town that I live in, one firearm related death was committed last year. The person that did the shooting and the killing, he came in from the city to rob, steal and kill. For the most part, killings of this nature do not happen in the better neighborhoods and in the sticks.
As to my point of having an asshole problem. Some people and some groups of people are a cancer upon society. Want to solve this perceived gun issue? Go into the areas of high gun law violations and gun related crimes. Prosecute heavy on gun related charges. Mandatory minimums for and crime in which a gun was used. Sentence all violators to a minimum of 10-15 years per gun charge, on top of whatever crime they committed. Nearly all residents of an area knows where the high crime is. Here in the Buffalo area, the vast majority of serious crime is located on the East side of the city. Go there and flush out the scumbags like the cockroaches that they are. Go after them hard.
These elected tards are coming up with every excuse they can to minimize the uptick in crime. This broad is no different:
COVID has disproportionately impacted those who are marginalized, economically at risk, and too often housing and food insecure. Economic desperation and stress and trauma from COVID are linked to the uptick in gun violence, which is facilitated by the fact that guns are just too easy to get.
Blaming the Covid Hoax, which was created by the same people, is a bad excuse for this cancer. Some people just suck. Some people are not fit to be in the same type of society as normal and good people.
I often here these elected pukes talk about the serious Mental Health issues that are raging. Okay, not that I believe this shit, but if true, build more MH hospitals and lock these people up. Forever if necessary. They also say there is a serious uptick in hard drug usage, this may be true. This is not an excuse for criminal behavior. If the drug use is so bad, completely shit down the southern boarder and stop using Narcan to bring these people back to life. They will only use again and again.
Bitch that ran over a police officer (trooper Ensminger I believe) during the BLM riot season, had federal gun charges dropped this morning. Teaching people it's OK to make shit choices. Others see it a see a green light.The 10-15 year sentencing is ,as you well know ,a long standing Federal minimum for convictions of perps committing a crime with a firearm. They can be enhanced if the perp has priors. The problem… prosecutors rarely if Ever seek the Federal minimus , citing the cost of trial as the main reason. (sic)
They would rather cop a plea for a conviction, and point to their record as a hard nosed prosecutor rather than do the right thing and put these scumbags away for as long as possible.
GOA issued this a day before your request. Just saw your request.Show me a press release or media statement from any arguably 2A group highlighting the failure of New York's gun control laws.
Show me a press release or media statement from any arguably 2A group calling for right-to-carry or other pro-gun reforms in light of the subway incident.
**crickets chirping**
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that NYSRPA, NRA and other interested parties have been advised to not say anything until the verdict comes out for NYSRPA vs. Bruen. There's a lot at stake, and it might not be worth pissing off some of the more temperamental supremes.
GOA and SAF are usually pretty good about putting out statements about this stuff, and even they have been quiet.
GOA had a press release at leastI'm going to go out on a limb and guess that NYSRPA, NRA and other interested parties have been advised to not say anything until the verdict comes out for NYSRPA vs. Bruen. There's a lot at stake, and it might not be worth pissing off some of the more temperamental supremes.
GOA and SAF are usually pretty good about putting out statements about this stuff, and even they have been quiet.
I can see that, but would rather believe SCOTUS is above the Court of Public Opinion when deciding Constitutional matters....'course the Liberal/Left Wing Judges would rather Rule based on their beliefs and marching orders opposed to the Documentation that Founded the Country.I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that NYSRPA, NRA and other interested parties have been advised to not say anything until the verdict comes out for NYSRPA vs. Bruen. There's a lot at stake, and it might not be worth pissing off some of the more temperamental supremes.
GOA and SAF are usually pretty good about putting out statements about this stuff, and even they have been quiet.
Do a simple search on the name Aaron Dorr across multiple States and indictments....His Organization isn't exactly what it claims.News - New York State Firearms Association
crickets ...
From my cheap seats, reading the suggested search results concerning abusive fundraising, fleecing frustrated pro 2A citizens, spending irregularities and questionable tax filings sure makes the Dorrs sound like other versions of tom king and wayne lapierre whose NRA and NYSPRA "organization isn't exactly what it claims."Do a simple search on the name Aaron Dorr across multiple States and indictments....His Organization isn't exactly what it claims.![]()
Can open….worms all over.From my cheap seats, reading the suggested search results concerning abusive fundraising, fleecing frustrated pro 2A citizens, spending irregularities and questionable tax filings sure makes the Dorrs sound like other versions of tom king and wayne lapierre whose NRA and NYSPRA "organization isn't exactly what it claims."