It needs teeth.The bill of rights is the guarantee, why would we need to guarantee the guarantee?
I don't know where to find it but years ago I read the NY constitution and it had a preamble including the federal version of the second, almost word for word. So they can hide it but it exists. I can no longer find it.NYS does not have a bill of rights, or a 2nd amendment...
does This bill do any of that? If not then it is a nothing burger.It needs teeth.
Politicians proposing or voting for legislation that infringes on it are guilty of treason. They should be tried and convicted as traitors.
The current "my bad, I guess we'll stop enforcing it then" policy when things are overturned provides zero incentive for them to stop trying.
Imagine if the penalty for robbing a bank was just having to give the money back. The line for the robbers would be longer than the one for the ATM.
It is in the civil rights laws.I don't know where to find it but years ago I read the NY constitution and it had a preamble including the federal version of the second, almost word for word. So they can hide it but it exists. I can no longer find it.
I don't know where to find it but years ago I read the NY constitution and it had a preamble including the federal version of the second, almost word for word. So they can hide it but it exists. I can no longer find it.
...and very few old people in Nursing Homes!NYS does not have a bill of rights, or a 2nd amendment...
Yep we should have just saved the tree.Waste.
So if the feds pass an AWB, this law would mean nothing and wouldn't protect you. You'd have the safe act or worse again...."This bill would ensure that states cannot ban the manufacture, sale, importation, or possession of any rifle or shotgun lawfully available under federal law."
NYS does not have a bill of rights, or a 2nd amendment...
Yep... No RIGHT to bear arms... Placing it in a Civil Rights "Law" means it's just a lawful activity granted by the legislature, not a recognized RIGHT!
Ahhhh the horror!
And for the record, the BOR of the U.S. Constitution has NO Teeth because the SCOTUS has continually ran away from ending the debate once and for all by ruling on the SCRUTINY a State or municipality, like NYC, may place upon the so called RIGHT! When they allowed NYShitty to wiggle out of the lawsuit that would have addressed SCRUTINY because the acutely changed their "POLICIES" and ignored their "CHRONIC" penchant for defacto denying citizen/residents RIGHTS the SCOTUS exhibited their dentures and toothless smiles!
Sorry, I'm a cynic at heart and there's nothing I see here that provides a slither of sunshine that might be coming from a gap in a door opening with sunshine spilling through to warm all our 2A hearts!
The RIGHT case is needed, and the municipalities and States work real hard when they have bad standing to get cases away from court rooms and the potential to create standing, or precedent. Again, completely amazed how the SCOTUS allowed NYShitty to escape that potential ruling. So NO TEETH, NINE AT ALL...
The Constitution of the State of New York
§1. Rights, privileges and franchise secured; power of legislature to dispense with primary elections in certain cases.
2. Trial by jury; how waived.
3. Freedom of worship; religious liberty.
4. Habeas corpus.
5. Bail; fines; punishments; detention of witnesses.
6. Grand jury; protection of certain enumerated rights; duty of public officers to sign waiver of immunity and give testimony; penalty for refusal.
7. Compensation for taking private property; private roads; drainage of agricultural lands.
8. Freedom of speech and press; criminal prosecutions for libel.
9. Right to assemble and petition; divorce; lotteries; pool-selling and gambling; laws to prevent; pari-mutuel betting on horse races permitted; games of chance, bingo or lotto authorized under certain restrictions.
10. [Repealed]
11. Equal protection of laws; discrimination in civil rights prohibited.
12. Security against unreasonable searches, seizures and interceptions.
13. [Repealed]
14. Common law and acts of the colonial and state legislatures.
15. [Repealed]
16. Damages for injuries causing death.
17. Labor not a commodity; hours and wages in public work; right to organize and bargain collectively.
18. Workers’ compensation.
I bet number 10 was the 2A that got moved to the Civil Rights Laws .. could also been 13 or 15 ..
might be better off digging on this site instead of wiki
New York State Constitution - Historical Society of the New York Courts
The first New York Constitution was adopted by the Convention of Representatives of the State of New-York on April 20, 1777. A second constitution … More New York State Constitution »