Looks like the DNC and Obama have spoken and are endorsing Biden. The Dem's are scared shitless of Bernie dragging down the down ticket. Welcome to the shitstorm come Convention time.
Makes sense. They had no chance and they couldn't very well endorse bernie.
Tomorrow night is going to be a treat. I truly don't have a clue what's going to happen. We'll start seeing some real votes kick in and tease out a bit more how much support sanders or biden or bloomberg really have.
Will be interesting to see who warren supports when she kicks the can. Probably biden even though she likes sanders' socialism.
The latest political polls and polling averages from FiveThirtyEight.
Bloomberg is likely to end up the night with few delegates. I'm not sure how he plans to win. He missed the first four states, he'll be even more behind by the end of tomorrow.
Big deal. The main focus should be on voter fraud and the high-jinks Google has planned, they swore they wouldn't let it happen again. They're zeroing in on the house and senate too.