20×102mm Vulcan
Strength and Stamina of the Pistol Shooter
The Importance of Physical Strength
I attribute the greatest rise in my personal scores to the increased physical strength from a weight training program. If you are weak, you will soon find that the exersion of holding the pistol toward the target will cause fatigue and uncontrollable shaking. In other words, greater strength reduces your "arc of movement."
The objective of physical training for a pistol shooter is to condition you physically to better withstand the rigors of match conditions. An individual in good physical condition has better developed reactions, better control of their muscles and better endurance; all of which promote consistency in performance.
Developing a Physical Training Program
Physical Conditioning must consist of exercises of a general nature directed toward strengthening the muscles, proper breathing, developing body flexibility and precision of movement. The requirements of marksmanship are such that drills must consist of exercises which develop the muscles and flexor of the arms and fingers, and the muscles of the shoulders and even the waist. A certain amount of static tension (dynamic) type exercise is valuable if it is not overdone. Whenever a shooter exercises, he or she must put the maximum effort into the exercise. Merely going through the motions of an exercise is of no advantage.
Recognize that physical conditioning is a gradual process and results will not be apparent immediately. As your physical condition improves, the number of repetitions may be gradually increased. Be advised that very heavy exercise like serious barbell weight lifting is discouraged as it can create injuries that will hinder your performance more than it will help. I would suggest a program that consists of daily walking and calesthenics accompanied by every-other-day light dumbell exercises as most ideal for our purposes.
The Muscle Groups that Matter
While you might benefit from a physical training program that is general in nature and targets all the muscles of the body, a more limited program may suffice. While the legs and back muscles play a role in steadying the stance, you can see from the diagram below where the greatest muscular demand on a shooter lies:
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Encyclopedia of Bullseye Pistol
The Importance of Physical Strength
I attribute the greatest rise in my personal scores to the increased physical strength from a weight training program. If you are weak, you will soon find that the exersion of holding the pistol toward the target will cause fatigue and uncontrollable shaking. In other words, greater strength reduces your "arc of movement."
The objective of physical training for a pistol shooter is to condition you physically to better withstand the rigors of match conditions. An individual in good physical condition has better developed reactions, better control of their muscles and better endurance; all of which promote consistency in performance.
Developing a Physical Training Program
Physical Conditioning must consist of exercises of a general nature directed toward strengthening the muscles, proper breathing, developing body flexibility and precision of movement. The requirements of marksmanship are such that drills must consist of exercises which develop the muscles and flexor of the arms and fingers, and the muscles of the shoulders and even the waist. A certain amount of static tension (dynamic) type exercise is valuable if it is not overdone. Whenever a shooter exercises, he or she must put the maximum effort into the exercise. Merely going through the motions of an exercise is of no advantage.
Recognize that physical conditioning is a gradual process and results will not be apparent immediately. As your physical condition improves, the number of repetitions may be gradually increased. Be advised that very heavy exercise like serious barbell weight lifting is discouraged as it can create injuries that will hinder your performance more than it will help. I would suggest a program that consists of daily walking and calesthenics accompanied by every-other-day light dumbell exercises as most ideal for our purposes.
The Muscle Groups that Matter
While you might benefit from a physical training program that is general in nature and targets all the muscles of the body, a more limited program may suffice. While the legs and back muscles play a role in steadying the stance, you can see from the diagram below where the greatest muscular demand on a shooter lies:

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Encyclopedia of Bullseye Pistol