6.5 Creedmoor
I'll probably get to reload for my new 4th Gen Glock 17 this weekend, what are you guys loading for target shooting in yours? I've got lots of brass and once I find the right load combo, I'll load a bunch of it.
i use a 13-15 gen 3 recoil spring in my gen 4 g34 (see which works best for you). it will not work as well if you do not lighten the recoil spring when you reduce loads. their are more better options with the gen 3 recoil spring system.
147 gr over 3.2 of titegroup 1.15 OAL . experiment with what works for you. some use 2.9-3.5.
my friend also uses 165 grain bullets. i think an 11-12 pound spring (he shoots a CZ) and his gin does NOT move!. i think he runs like 2.5 of titegroup. i will ask him.
again, the key to this all is a lightened action spring. if you use a factory weight spring 1. they dont run and/or 2. the slide slamming shut pushes your gun DOWN on your second shot. (you can test this by doing FACt double taps and seeing where your second bullet impacts. (use a video if you need. a video is a a great training tool. i use it when i am training new people......it is great to show them the monster flinch that they say is not happening. quite the eye opener for them!)
Great point
I tested some 165 grain Plated over 2.7gr of TG, fun load and super lite shooter. Only issue was it wouldnt feed consistent across pistols as my sigs wouldnt mind the longer OAL while my walter would jam
you can always tailor the OAL.....if that was in fact the issue and not the action spring........
Def OAL issue, did the drop test in the PPQs barrel which was fine however the walter mags are slightly smaller than others so the tall OAL was getting caught in the mag when feeding.
I now test both the barrel & mag along with feed function before pumping out a couple k rounds off the dillon
I've been using sheets to catch my brass. The seem to work slightly better than tarps. Have you picked up any bullets yet?
I decided to standardize my pistol powders and went with bull's-eye. The reason for this powder is it meters well and works in the calibers I load. There is some downfalls with this powder is it's relatively dirty and reloads most calibers well but few excellent. So for me all my plinking loads will be loaded with it. When I make to step to start loading some more stout loads for SHTF I will experiment with BE-86. For plinking loads people have good luck with WST but because it's so popular it was one of the first powders to disappear during the shortage.
How does titegroup do with 9mm and 40. Those are the other two calibers I load for. After the new house is built I will be in the market for another 8#.Switch to titegroup.
I used wst for 45. It is a great powder. I used light loads, it barely has any muzzle flash at night. Perfect amount of powder.
How does titegroup do with 9mm and 40. Those are the other two calibers I load for. After the new house is built I will be in the market for another 8#.