.40 S&W
The stay has a 3 business day ✋️ period before it goes into effect. Your definition of legal may differ from mine. For me once a judge says it's bullshit I am good to go. I never changed anything other than buying a smaller carry gun. The SCOTUS has already said I have a right to self defense outside my home. That is good enough for me. Your definition may be that you are following the new bullshit law and by that thinking you must wait the 3 business days and make sure you know if the 2nd circuit stayed the TRO. Depending on the days Thursday is probably the day but could be Wednesday if they count Thursday as a day.As usual I'm confused. What is this talk about something going into effect on Wednesday? I'm seeing all sorts of mixed info as per usual. Is it "legal" to carry again normally, or are we still waiting for some technicality bullshit?