The threshold for being told, "That's Racist" has been lowered to merely mentioning inconvenient truths that counter the narrative promoted by our elites (government, schools, media).
A kindergartner can readily observe differences between races in attitude and disposition... and it is completely natural to learn this way, you see a pattern and apply it. Yet the schools and media will try to drum this out and replace it with indoctrination that is full of contradictions and faulty logic. Even though they tell us that only Whites can be racist and yet race is a social construct, how many white liberals will still go out of their way to avoid being in a black neighborhood at night?
To me, a racist might be someone who picked up a random black kid and hung them to make an example or to scare a population, like a lynching. That's wrong. I don't mind the vigilante aspect but they have to find the guilty party.
On the other hand, refusing to serve Blacks at your restaurant was a practical matter back in the days of poor hygiene. If you did serve Blacks then you would loose your polite white clientele. This wasn't racist, it was a realistic response. White liberal elites have never worked in the fields alongside Blacks who haven't bathed for weeks, they don't understand the olfactory assault they present. I have done farm labor alongside Blacks and even they agree that they stink to high heaven and aren't fit to go into a proper establishment. But to fix that all they had to do is take a bath.
The Civil Rights amendment stripped everyone's Natural and God-given right to free association (just as we have a natural right to self-defense and weapons ownership). This was a clumsy and intrusive law that attempted to solve an injustice with a larger injustice. It also allowed the government to punish you for supposed thought crimes, if you didn't rent your apartment to a black family and were honest about it then you'd be fined or even jailed for simply protecting your property's value.
I'll judge people individually and fairly based on their character. Personally I like having old-school Blacks and other minorities with intact families in my community, to a limited degree so that Whites are still the majority. But I have no use for trashy layabouts and criminals of any pigmentation and I think they should be sterilized or killed on the spot.
I'm sure that's racist to many of you. It also describes a society that works and that most of use would like to live in.... I would much rather live in a "racist" Baltimore or Detroit than what we have now.
The threshold has been lowered, you are very correct in that statement...
The Threshold has been lowered in regards to all labels.
You're a sexist if you toss a compliment at a woman.
If one says that they do not support the chosen lifestyle of a gay man, they are a homophobe.
If you say that you find the Tranny's of the world are mental deviants, yep, another name and another label.
I see the world through VERY clear eyes, I fully understand what the score is.