So, when shooting the perp she is aiming in the direction of a mother and her daughter. Bad form. Know your target and what is beyond it.
it looks like she hit him in the neck with one of the shots, but only a graze. That round could have hit the bystanders.
Then, after securing his weapon, she advances on him as he lay on the ground and tried to kick him over onto his stomach.
This isn't some stupid drama show. Do NOT get near the perp. He could have easily knocked her off her feet and ended up gaining possession of her weapon and killing her with it.
She should have just demanded he remain on the ground while keeping him covered from a safe distance.
Good on her for defending herself and others...but she should have a little more training.
She should have killed him. Now he'll sue her for everything she owns and probably win. Or is it best to only use as much force as necessary to neutralize the threat? Where was this? If FL then maybe she's good to go, but elsewhere???
Excellent argument for CC. If the dipshit's have no clue who could drop their sorry asses when they get totally out of line, maybe they would think twice. An armed society is a polite society.
What tactical advantage did she gain by stepping on him. She almost fell over when he moved. She should have moved back 3 feet and covered him until police show up. She also showed tunnel vision as she almost got ran over by the car, she should have been looking for the +1 rule. She did well but needs more training.