KING: Dementia Joe. On the surface very powerful, but not very smart. Weak mind; weak health; weak ethics. Perfect to control. Perhaps best to simply leave him in place, move him about, and hope his health can be maintained.
QUEEN: Kama-La-La. Ambitious. Willing to do anything for power. Desperate to be President. But very vulnerable. The HANDS (later) could cut her strings in an instant. Moreover, she lacks charisma in a big way. Not electable by herself; but neither was Biden. She stays.
BISHOP: Nasty Nancy Pelosi. Ambitious. Willing to do anything for power. But well past her prime. And disliked intensely by citizens and congressmen alike. Her mental faculties are at Biden level - or less. Short Timer.
KNIGHT: Tracey Abrams. Ambitious. Willing to do anything for power. Yet never elected to anything. Mental facilities at 100%. Shrewd. Evil. Likely too independent for the HANDS; but very useful. For now. Be cool Tracey; know your place. Which is wherever the HANDS tell you it is.
The HANDS moving the pieces: THE DEEP STATE. Seemingly all-powerful, and yet completely dependent on these very flawed players. At least while a semblance of traditional Government remains. Which was the plan after all. A JFK, a Donald Trump, have far too much individual ego for them to be allowed to be in charge.
Nancy falls first. Having this unpopular individual advance to VP would be a Public Relations disaster.
Biden next - but only when his physical or mental health becomes so poor as to be embarassing to even the lo-information voter.
Kamala as POTUS. She could survive two terms. The racism that maintains that Blacks are victims, yet superior to all other races, is strong.
After that ..... ?