20×102mm Vulcan
The COLLAPSE WONT Be Like Most People Think!!!
from the comments section
12 days agoThis is the best guest you have EVER had on. Absolutely brilliant. I've been saying this stuff for years. Full time crypto investor/trader and prepper and man he is SO bang on with every word. What a great podcast. We are in so much trouble. It is always about commodities, what we need. People forget currency is nothing but an instrument of measurement of work or service provided to the market place. As much as it sucks to say, we need a depression to start over and abolish the fed. Give the power back to the states. Local govts and shrink the Fed govt to a tiny one room apartment
12 days ago (edited)We went to Cuba in 2022. Their government had recently changed to cards currency. Each adult got a card from their gov. Their pay and anything purchases done for food and necessities has to be done with this card. So locals explained to us that since the card, the black market boomed and they used American dollar. Also they explained that a $100 bill or $50 bill was worth more then $100 in loose $1’s because it gave them more purchasing power in the black market. They explained that everyone lives off the black market for clothing and household items because they can buy it cheaper from black market then from the government runned stores with their card.
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