20×102mm Vulcan
The Golden Road to Unlimited Socialism
My good friend Concerned American at Western Rifle Shooters Association recently wrote to Vlad and me. He wanted to ask our East Bloc contacts who grew up under communism the following question:“What lessons, if any, can be taken from the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and applied to those of us stuck in the upcoming fall of the US Bloc?”
Vlad and I forwarded his message to a number of our translators who have experienced communism. Four of them have replied so far, and more are expected. I’ve collected the first group below.
The first report is from DarLink, the only member of the team who grew up in the Soviet Union. She later moved to Israel, and translates both Russian and Hebrew for Vlad and me:
I have a nearly constant sense of déjà vu these days…it feels like my past is inescapable; I simply cannot leave the USSR.
The signs are everywhere:
A senile leader, lying media, a lawless society, corrupt institutions…
The fall is coming and I don’t think we can stop it.
- Food shortages.
- Medical supplies shortages.
- Water, electricity, gas will be shut randomly and for unknown periods of time.
- The government will run out of money and we the people will be left to fend for ourselves.
The Golden Road to Unlimited Socialism | Gates of Vienna