and there's more ..
The first surprise: Michael Bloomberg was not on the bus when it arrived. The Little Emperor apparently chose to skip the occasion after the heavy anti-Bloomberg patriot pushback encountered at his stops in the Tidewater Virginia region late last week.
As best we could tell, the lack of a rear entrance to the Bloomberg campaign storefront likely played a role in the decision by the self-funded billionaire to bypass his own campaign event—which would have exposed him to the kind of sidewalk derision he doesn’t want the media to see.
Hundreds of Gun Rights Supporters Spoil Bloomberg Campaign's Arlington, VA Gun Control Rally - The Truth About Guns
By Jeff Hulbert Once upon a time in Virginia, a little emperor named Michael Bloomberg threw a gun control party, but gun rights advocates crashed it…bigly. And what a party it was. Unfortunately, we neglected to RSVP. Spoiler Alert: this story has a happy ending with Michael Bloomberg’