We all know thats his public position, and we all know in private that he kisses those same bankers asses for campaign money.Now Blas ‘de’faces the nation
Mayor de Blasio believes he’s fixed New York and is now concentrating on the rest of America. Heaven help the country.
The mayor, the focus of federal and state criminal probes, wrote to 17 banks demanding they withdraw financing from the Dakota Access oil-pipeline project. His reasons read like a protester pamphlet, citing climate change, Indian tribal lands, groundwater, the banks’ balance sheets and rising sea levels.
Naturally, he rails against “the greed of a few wealthy oil industry executives.” The mayor also cites his duty to city pension funds, which are invested in some of the banks, implying the city might disinvest if the banks ignore him.
It’s tempting to tell the mayor to focus on his day job. But his divided attention, while a loss for the nation, is a win for New York.
Fixed NY ?
And that when journalists behave like opponents, he will treat them like opponents, punching back harder than they punch him.
It's the media equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire. It's down right dangerous and irresponsible! While the press gets to enjoy certain 1st amendment freedoms, they should at the same time be held to a higher standard because of those freedoms.I love this. The media as a whole needs to relearn how to be journalists, and report on facts, and stopped acting as another branch of the DNC. I don't really mind a little bit of a slant or bias in reporting, its simply unavoidable, reporters are people to. What is disgusting is the fact that the media is no longer presenting a biased accounting of events, they are just flat out making shit up and calling it news. Failing to vet and confirm stories before publishing is inexcusable, and makes them no longer journalists in my opinion