Wow. It's time to burn down the house and expose these traitors for what they are. I'm shocked but not surprised. Shows the depth of government depravity and the collusion of the media. God help our country.
Let's keep our pants on for a bit longer. In Fox's article it is "potential" smoking gun, and fox also had napolitano who was recently given a vacation for talking about this with no evidence any of us are aware of.
I hope there is a smoking gun, but I'm not holding my breath.
I will say this looks pretty interesting.
Nunes said on CNN that after reading the reports he was confident the Obama White House and numerous agencies "had a pretty good idea of what President-elect Trump was up to and what his transition team was up to and who they were meeting with."
it does look like maybe it's gone from Trump talking completely out of his ass to having a seemingly better idea about what's going on than both comey and the director of the NSA, which if this turns out to be the case is pretty damn screwed up.
But, there is so much misinformation right now I don't know what to conclude!