20×102mm Vulcan
The New Media Meme Rolls On: Police Violence is Due to Civilian Gun Ownership
A firearm wasn’t used in Floyd’s murder, but, never ones to let an opportunity go to waste, it’s now clear that the made members of the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex got on the horn to their compliant allies in the media and begain peddling their latest messaging brainstorm: we can’t expect better police conduct as long as Americans are allowed to own firearms.
First up with an incoherent take on the theme was Robert Gebelhof in the Washington Post. Then Derek Thompson at The Atlantic took a swing at making the case, including some rote regurgitation of discredited anti-gun talking points. Now it’s Fast Company’s Talib Visram’s turn at the plate. Note that like Thompson, Visram pushes the “gun show loophole” argument without making Thompson’s clumsy mistake of spouting that BS “40% of guns are sold without a background check” statistic.
A firearm wasn’t used in Floyd’s murder, but, never ones to let an opportunity go to waste, it’s now clear that the made members of the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex got on the horn to their compliant allies in the media and begain peddling their latest messaging brainstorm: we can’t expect better police conduct as long as Americans are allowed to own firearms.
First up with an incoherent take on the theme was Robert Gebelhof in the Washington Post. Then Derek Thompson at The Atlantic took a swing at making the case, including some rote regurgitation of discredited anti-gun talking points. Now it’s Fast Company’s Talib Visram’s turn at the plate. Note that like Thompson, Visram pushes the “gun show loophole” argument without making Thompson’s clumsy mistake of spouting that BS “40% of guns are sold without a background check” statistic.
The New Media Meme Rolls On: Police Violence is Due to Civilian Gun Ownership - The Truth About Guns
As Ian Fleming opined, once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. What we have here is now clearly enemy action aimed at restricting the right to keep and bear arms. The gun control industry has been suspiciously quiet over the last few months as millions of...