Yes you would. The NRA has never challenged NY gun laws ever.Do you think you or I would own a firearm RIGHT NOW if it were not for the NRA ?
As such, I am not about to criticize them - EVER.
Yes you would. The NRA has never challenge NY gun laws ever.
Appeals Court: Officer Who Shot and Killed Innocent Man in His Own Home Cannot Be Sued
We are in a dangerous era. In that, agents of the government (police) are able to kill innocent civilians and get away with it; by avoiding prosecutions, indictments or convictions.
This case needs to go before SCOTUS
Along with an asset forfeiture case. Unfortunately, after Kelo v. New London and the Obamacare rulings, I have no faith that the SCOTUS would make any effort to protect individuals anymore.Appeals Court: Officer Who Shot and Killed Innocent Man in His Own Home Cannot Be Sued
We are in a dangerous era. In that, agents of the government (police) are able to kill innocent civilians and get away with it; by avoiding prosecutions, indictments or convictions.
This case needs to go before SCOTUS
Agreed the courts are suppose to be a check on government. But now in our age, the courts have mutated and fused into that corrupted system.None of the courts are a check on government anymore. Any faith in them to rule appropriately is misplaced and their track record is dismal at best.
They are full of statists that will go through mental gymnastics to justify whatever their agents do.
Do you think you or I would own a firearm RIGHT NOW if it were not for the NRA ?
As such, I am not about to criticize them - EVER.
Yes you would. The NRA has never challenged NY gun laws ever.
Fees, fines and penalties are what our courts care about.
If you think the NRA grants you gun rights, more power to you.
None for me, thanks.
They didn't want to support Heller either. They fought Alan Gura tooth and nail to drop the case.The NRA chooses battles it can win.
NY and MA are hopeless cesspools of Liberal-Think. I'd not spend a cent on them, either.
I used to give money to local organizations, only to see them fail over and over and over. Now I donate to the NRA and the few Politicians I believe can help - and no one else.
The only way we'll ever be saved is at a NATIONAL LEVEL.
Would it not be in the NRA's best interest in not fighting? the flip side in all this is that the NRA receives a hell of a lot more money when the 2nd Amendment IS Infringed upon. Last I knew NY was the largest contributor to the NRA. It's all about the money!
WTF is the administration even doing, first weed, then healthcare, then ass-firmative action,...Yes you would. The NRA has never challenged NY gun laws ever.
If you think that because they are allies, they are above criticism, you have entered very dangerous territory indeed.Do you think you or I would own a firearm RIGHT NOW if it were not for the NRA ?
As such, I am not about to criticize them - EVER.
Then they shouldn't be calling me promising to fight FUAC, if only I can fork over another $50 every week.....NY and MA are hopeless cesspools of Liberal-Think. I'd not spend a cent on them, either.
Maybe the NRA were afraid of a possible liberal swayed SCOTUS at that time - maybe. The final decision was 5-4 on Heller and McDonald too. Could of went the other way. Very dangerous. (remember common sense is not common)They didn't want to support Heller either. They fought Alan Gura tooth and nail to drop the case.