.475 A&M Magnum
Sadly, a list containing new laws to prevent more government oppression, when we have a Bill of Rights, in place.
I wasn't too worried about Y2K, but if we hadn't spent so much effort to deal with it, I think it could have turned into a real ball pain.I am that Conservative type.
I was never really concerned during Y2K.
I had little worry due to 9/11.
What was so important in 08?
Those events with pale in comparison with the start of what we are witnessing today.I wasn't too worried about Y2K, but if we hadn't spent so much effort to deal with it, I think it could have turned into a real ball pain.
I was very worried after 9/11.
Worried that our civil liberties were going to be destroyed in the name of security.
Turns out I underestimated the problem.
2008 ? Yea, I was worried the federal government was going to go on a power grabbing bender.
Turns out that was an underestimate too.
So far, it seems like I underestimate the magnitude of these events, and i think we could be headed into something *very* nasty in the next few years (or less).
USDA ERS - Summary Findings
ERS research and reporting of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food contributes to an understanding of which food categories experience substantial price changes, how consumers spend their incomes on food, and how and why prices
This should worry all of America. Look, look at these increases....
I watch warrior poet regularly. Havent signed up for his network, but ive been considering it. Many conservative types are warning people to be prepared now more than ever.
Seems as good a place as any to post. Today my kid's elementary (that's grades 1-5) school sent out a news letter. The entire second page of this 3-4 page newsletter was dedicated to pride month and juneteenth. BTW, almost none of us had heard of juneteenth until last year.
We're already out thousands for private school and were hoping to get another year out of the public schools for our youngest but it looks like we can't. The indoctrination and fake history and bullshit is starting earlier than ever and it's taking up a vast amount of their curriculum.
Also on news this morning headline on whec was a "heated exchange" at one of the local school boards. School board member called a parent an asshole and things descended from there, with the school board member being restrained by a few of his colleagues and led out. That guy was recently reelected to the board a month back.
Also on news this morning headline on whec was a "heated exchange" at one of the local school boards. School board member called a parent an asshole and things descended from there, with the school board member being restrained by a few of his colleagues and led out. That guy was recently reelected to the board a month back.
The people don't get it. They keep voting these people in, and this is what they get.
I agree with this lady that they are emotionally abusing kids. White children do not need to "grapple with whiteness".
BTW I do believe the bulk of teachers do not agree with this shit but are utterly powerless against it. I have a brother who is a teacher and he is deep into this. He feels trapped and desperately wants out of the profession. He has to play along or lose his job and his pension. It's the bureaucrats and administration, but you know what...then we get an election like Penfield had a month ago and the incumbents are voted in 2:1. So I am forced to conclude that the local parents are perfectly content with this stuff.
He feels trapped and desperately wants out of the profession. He has to play along or lose his job and his pension.
Gotta love those Dominion Voting machines...then we get an election like Penfield had a month ago and the incumbents are voted in 2:1.