20×102mm Vulcan
This is Emily and Alicia Sucher. They are victims from Stoneman Douglas. This is not the first time their family has been in the middle of a gun scandal.
Shooting survivor: It doesn't feel real - CNN Video Sisters Emily and Alicia Sucher tell CNN's Anderson Cooper about their experience inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the shooting that killed 17 people.
Let's establish who they are related to. Here are Phyllis and William Sucher, they have a son named Michael.
William built Century World Enterprises, one of world's largest in import/export of civilian/military equipment. #Qanon
When Phyllis passed away in 2007 Emily and Alicia are listed as grandchildren. So Michael is either their father or uncle. We are going to focus on him. #Qanon
Michael Sucher is president of [C]entury (nternational) [A]rms among other businesses. #Qanon
A gun linked to the Paris terror attacks that left 130 people dead and wounded 368 others has been traced back to a Century Arms. #Qanon
At the time of this article, more than 5
00 of the WASR-10s (Romanian made variant of the AK) imported by Century Arms were recovered in Mexico after being purchased in the U.S. That means Century's WASR-10 accounts for more than 17% of the total guns recovered in Mexico since 06.
Century Arms also sold arms to the Contras of Nicaragua at the time the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal. #Qanon
More at ... Unrolled thread from @fixurheart2016 #Qanon #wikileaks
Shooting survivor: It doesn't feel real - CNN Video Sisters Emily and Alicia Sucher tell CNN's Anderson Cooper about their experience inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the shooting that killed 17 people.
Let's establish who they are related to. Here are Phyllis and William Sucher, they have a son named Michael.
William built Century World Enterprises, one of world's largest in import/export of civilian/military equipment. #Qanon
When Phyllis passed away in 2007 Emily and Alicia are listed as grandchildren. So Michael is either their father or uncle. We are going to focus on him. #Qanon
Michael Sucher is president of [C]entury (nternational) [A]rms among other businesses. #Qanon
A gun linked to the Paris terror attacks that left 130 people dead and wounded 368 others has been traced back to a Century Arms. #Qanon
At the time of this article, more than 5
00 of the WASR-10s (Romanian made variant of the AK) imported by Century Arms were recovered in Mexico after being purchased in the U.S. That means Century's WASR-10 accounts for more than 17% of the total guns recovered in Mexico since 06.
Century Arms also sold arms to the Contras of Nicaragua at the time the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal. #Qanon
More at ... Unrolled thread from @fixurheart2016 #Qanon #wikileaks