I don’t view Cuba and bay of pigs as different. Official American forces blockaded a sovereign country. Unofficial American forces invaded a sovereign country with the goal of over throwing their government. We’ve invaded plenty of countries and overthrown/eliminated/disposed of plenty of governments. No country has the right to invade another sovereign country simply because it doesn’t like the government running that country.Putin had to do no such thing.
Putin had to allow NATO troops to setup there. That's it. Let then move in and start contributing American tax dollars to Ukranian coffee shops and restaurants. That's no justification for invasion.
NATO has never invaded anyone, ever. Unlike Russia who doesn't seem to be able to go more than a few years without assimilating a neighbor against their will.
Would we be justified invading Mexico if they started cozying up to China ? Of course not.
The Cuban missile crisis and Bay of pigs are a completely different situation. This isn't the cold war anymore.
And the whole suggestion that Russia needs a buffer against NATO is ludicrous. Even if they do acquire Ukraine, what's that do ? If NATO decided to invade Russia, their control of Ukraine would amount to a few hours delay, at best. The difference in power between NATO and Russia is so vast it doesn't matter what the Russians do. If NATO decides to attack the Russian military will cease to exist in rapid order.
Because appeasement is always a terrible idea.
We were engaged in an undeclared war at the time, and our enemy was building nuclear missile bases there.I don’t view Cuba and bay of pigs as different. Official American forces blockaded a sovereign country. Unofficial American forces invaded a sovereign country with the goal of over throwing their government. We’ve invaded plenty of countries and overthrown/eliminated/disposed of plenty of governments. No country has the right to invade another sovereign country simply because it doesn’t like the government running that country.
We were engaged in an undeclared war at the time, and our enemy was building nuclear missile bases there.
It was as justified as our invasion of France in WWII, aka D-day.
Zelensky should come here and work in this administration. He'd fit right in.
Isreal sends humanitarian aid and mobile hospitals. Some of the best in the world.This is probably the worst idea ever. If Israel gets involved Iran will attack them.
Isreal sends humanitarian aid and mobile hospitals. Some of the best in the world.
Personally, I am torn between Ukrainian babes holding AK's or Israeli women holding Tavors. Both are HOT!
Sorry children.
I've not heard of Threads, but the day after I saw as a kid and it wasn't so enjoyable. Watched it again as an adult.This (nuclear war) is what concerns me. Part of me thinks that Putin is still stable enough to realize that using nukes, even smaller "tactical" ones for offensive operations would be an end game scenario for him that no nation on earth would accept without similar reprisal. Then there's the part of me that thinks he's really gone fill tilt with "bringing back Mother Russia" to it's former glory under the USSR or Russian Empire and is willing to use them to achieve those means if nothing else works. Once the nuclear genie gets let out of the bottle there's no putting it back in.
A few months ago I watched "The Day After" for the first time. Just last week I watched "Threads" (basically, the British version of "The Day After" just darker and more horrifying if you can believe that). In both movies the set-up had eerily similar premises of an escalating war between Russia (Soviet Union in the movies) and the US. In "The Day After" ICBMs were traded after a months long escalating conflict in Europe (East Germany if I remember correctly) and in "Threads" it was the same but in Iran where the Soviets invaded to install a new government which led to the US intervening, tactical nukes being used on the battlefield, and then a few weeks later...well you get the idea.
I'm really hoping that life doesn't imitate art.
Political and military leaders often worry about brilliant rivals, but the problem today is different. Instead of the danger of being outwitted, the danger is the fallout from Putin’s mistakes.
We invaded France, right ? That was what D-day was all about. France was in theory a sovereign government separate from Germany at the time.that is the most hypocritical thing you ever said.
Yeah, now let me see... where have we heard that before?
Putin had to do no such thing.
Putin had to allow NATO troops to setup there.
NATO has never invaded anyone, ever. Unlike Russia who doesn't seem to be able to go more than a few years without assimilating a neighbor against their will.
Would we be justified invading Mexico if they started cozying up to China ? Of course not.
No it wasn’t. France had been invaded by an outside aggressor and we went in and liberated France. Cuba had not been invaded by an outside aggressor. There’s a difference between invading a country that has not attacked you and going in to assist a country who already has been invaded. I don’t care if the Soviet Union had put 10 million nuclear middles in Cuba all aimed at my house. I don’t care if the Cuban government was stabbing every Cuban citizen in the eyes with a knife. We did not have the right to try and invade cuba with unconventional forces. Cuba was a sovereign country who had not attacked the United States. I may not like what happens in another country, but I don’t have the right to preemptively invade them. If we have the right to preemptively invade a sovereign country just because we don’t like their government, then so does every other country. Does China have the right to preemptively invade America just because they don’t like our form of government?We were engaged in an undeclared war at the time, and our enemy was building nuclear missile bases there.
It was as justified as our invasion of France in WWII, aka D-day.
They aren't very smart. They should claim they are swimming in a women's NCAA tournament in the US.View attachment 151876
‘You’re a Guy… Go to War’ - Fleeing Ukrainian Trans Woman Turned Back
Another transgender person has been turned back by Ukrainian officials at the border and told to take up arms and fight Russia.www.breitbart.com
Putin's justification for attacking Ukraine is akin to me shooting a new neighbor's puppy because I'm afraid it will attack me when it's older. Not only is that clearly immoral but it's also very unlikely.Not the way I see it.
I thought this was Detroit or Niagara Falls at first and then I realized there was less destroyed buildings.Putin's justification for attacking Ukraine is akin to me shooting a new neighbor's puppy because I'm afraid it will attack me when it's older. Not only is that clearly immoral but it's also very unlikely.
Anyway, in the metrics of how much putin has fucked the pooch on this one the soviet union lost 15,000 troops in Afghanistan in a decade. Putin has lost at least 2/3rd of that number in Ukraine in a month! Not only is this going badly for Russia, but it will be one of history's greatest clusterfucks. He will be judged as one of history's biggest morons at the wrong place at the wrong time, his avarice leading to the collapse of an already dying nation. Fuck him and fuck all the russians who cheer him on.
Putin's justification for attacking Ukraine is akin to me shooting a new neighbor's puppy because I'm afraid it will attack me when it's older. Not only is that clearly immoral but it's also very unlikely.
Anyway, in the metrics of how much putin has fucked the pooch on this one the soviet union lost 15,000 troops in Afghanistan in a decade. Not only is this going badly for Russia, but it will be one of history's greatest clusterfucks.
We are discussing NATO on the Russian border, not the US. Russia specifically said NATO. They did not say US.Because?
For the record, NATO was invoked 24 hours after 911. ( but still irrelevant) And the US has bombed destroyed how many counties in the last 30 years? You want to compare records?? The US miliary world tour. I Know, I know, We kill for peace.
View attachment 151877
Why? Because you say so?
If China was going to put Nukes in Juarez , The US would not tolerate it for a minute, That is a non starter, In fact they would do the same thing they did in the Cuban missile crisis. pull them out or we will. Not only is it a historical fact. Its their policy .
In the Korean war, the US beat the living shit out of the N Koreans, China warned the US that they will not tolerate US forces on thier border and if the US invaded the north they would respond. and they did, and kicked our ass all the way to the tip of south of korea. (later on Mac Auther landed up in Inchon and pushed them back to the 38th, Its a different story, but it illustrates the same point .
Hostile troops on your border is a justification for war. Your opinion is that NATO, which was formed to protect Europe from Russia is not really hostile to Russia. Thats a nice opinion , but the Russians dont seem to think that a European army on thier border 500 miles from Moscow is a good idea. For years they have warned that this is a red line that would result in war .
NATO said go fuck yourself were doing it anyway. Putins choices were to invade now, before they are part of NATO and before NATO troops were on his border, or attack NATO troops once they were in the Ukraine and part of NATO and fight all of NATO.
If he had to go into the Ukraine he had to do it before NATO forces were there . Or he could have hypersonic missiles on his border that could hit all of eastern Russia and Moscow in less than 5 minutes. which you seem to be pretty comfortable with, The Russians are not.
the Placeing of NATO troops on his border was a direct threat to Russia , regardless of your opinion of it. the Russians disagree, they had made it very clear they would go to war.
Western propaganda will tell you it is a land grab by the largest county in the world. Bullshit. They have more land oil minerals natural gas natural resources than any country in the world. then they started a war with the most incompetent army ever seen on the modern battlefield .
They were not ready for a war and their military proves it. They were expecting an easy run through Ukraine and got caught off guard.
Plan B ? there was no plan B. Plan B now is to destroy Ukraine , in the hopes of gaining a deal with Kiev.
I dont see the Russians winning long term .
The thing is , a lot of people look just at Ukraine, as a victim of Russia , the larger picture, as joe Biden said the other day, was that we are entering a New world order. An order in which the Russians refused to join. The sanctions and the war will break the Russian economy and most like will cause the downfall Of Putin and Russia. shortly followed by the US . This has been the plan the whole time. Its the breaking of Russia and the beginning of the new order. They God damm well knew the Russians would attack. they were planning on it . They were training Ukrainian forces for years . The strain of a guerrilla war on the Russian economy with the sacntions in place is just to much , Russia will crack . And They didnt want that dam norstream pipeline because it gave economic and political strength to Russia.
And when the Russians wanted to run a pipeline through syria, they had a ''civil war"" ,they had the Saudis flood the global market with oil for years to cheapen it ,and weaken and deny Russia from from thier only export oil.
Its a global chess game in which Ukraine is only a pawn
We are discussing NATO on the Russian border, not the US. Russia specifically said NATO. They did not say US.
So the US adventurism that did not occur under the NATO umbrella is irrelevant.
If hostile troops on your border is justification for war, then NATO would be fully justified in invading Ukraine now to kick the Russians out, right ?
Also, just because you issue some bullshit ultimatum doesn't give you justification when your opponent ignores it.
If the US said "pull all your troops out of Ukraine by the weekend or we will eliminate any russian vehicle larger than a bicycle this side of the Ukrainian border, would that justify a massive air assault Saturday morning ?
A lot of what you are saying about globalism is correct. I think they baited Putin into this mess. I think Biden's handlers orchestrated the entire thing, and are directly responsible for the invasion.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will meet this week with a bipartisan group of senators to discuss the possibility of freezing Russia's $132 billion in gold reserves, the news website Axios reported on Wednesday. Maine Senator Angus King reportedly has claimed that the legislation could pass the Senate as early as this week. The initiative is meant to deprive Moscow of the opportunity to mitigate the effects of Western sanctions on its economy by monetizing other assets, in an effort to punish the Kremlin for its military action in Ukraine. “Russia’s massive gold supply is one of the few remaining assets that Putin can use to keep his country’s economy from falling even further. By sanctioning these reserves, we will further isolate Russia from the world’s economy and increase the difficulty of Putin’s increasingly-costly military campaign,” King explained. |