Nice they caught his ass, at least Facebook is good for something. He should help her get a job or if he's that good of a rapper employ her as his personal chef so she won't need food stamps.
I'm pretty sure the U.S. Army is quaking in their boots..... yea, right!!
It just goes to show you just how truly delusional these, so called entertainers really are. Is he REALLY so full of himself, that he thinks this statement is anything but ridiculous!
The commentary on FB is pretty amusing. My ex-Army wife could take this little snowflake apart bare-handed. Notice how fuckwit got himself out on $23K bail but his mother's on food stamps. Apparently he really doesn't care for mum as much as he'd like the internet to think.
lol , Boy has to start buying the better quality drugs,that cheap shit is gonna get him killed,with any luck. He better do some research on what high caliber ammo and explosives do to flesh before his mouth rights checks his little ass cant cash