Even the men's room?Every Bathroom Statewide
Even the men's room?
In case you periodically identify as a pre-menstrual woman.Even the men's room?
Puke worthy! Moronic! Hyper-paranoid psychosis and more... Simply unfathomable!
What next, video game ban? How about all books depicting violence!
I'm glad they actually respond. That's pretty cool.The reply from Mr Hawley's office:
Thank you for contacting me with your concerns and for the information you
provided. I want you to know that I share your views and I will not be
supporting this legislation. I appreciate any and all correspondence from
all my constituents concerning issues that are important to them and I would
encourage you to continue to voice your opinion to me on any state issue,
making it possible for me to represent you accurately. Please do not
hesitate contacting me if you have any further concerns or questions.
Member of Assembly
139th A.D