.308 Win
I have a couple of stainless steel revolvers that I am considering polishing. Nothing too aggressive, just some Mothers applied to bring out a nice shine. Any opinions?
This will be all done by hand with a soft cotton cloth. no dremel tools or buffing wheels.
How is it looking so far?
Not at all. I just removed the grip and the cylinder.
Flitz is great, I use it on some ramps and stainless steel...got a little crazy with this though
View attachment 40929
Looks like my inspiring you paid off !
I haven't done it in a while, but some folks here probably know that polishing stainless guns to mirror finish could be called hobby of mine in itself. I have the one 686 that's been polished so much that some of the rounded shapes began looking melty. To take off that much metal polishing by hand cloth and mother's mag alone.. it's a lot of doin'.
My recommendation is always to use standard mother's mag polish with soft old shirts or something and eventually move to automotive soft polish cloth. One you've done it over considerably more times than you think is necessary, change over to mother's billet polish and do it all over again until it's a mirror.