.338 Win Mag
OH I forgot SMH, I have a few snares for SHTF. I wouldn't be relying on trapping or hunting, that would be just to supplement the preps.
At some point your preps would run out. I just brought it up because it’s a quiet and reusable way to kill animals and get food. Yes I know some animals make noise when snared. I also just thought it would be a neat conversation. I’m going to trap some squirrels this year at my property to protect some stuff and it will be a learning experience.OH I forgot SMH, I have a few snares for SHTF. I wouldn't be relying on trapping or hunting, that would be just to supplement the preps.
Preps are meant to get you through the adjustment from the old normal to the new normal.At some point your preps would run out. I just brought it up because it’s a quiet and reusable way to kill animals and get food. Yes I know some animals make noise when snared. I also just thought it would be a neat conversation. I’m going to trap some squirrels this year at my property to protect some stuff and it will be a learning experience.
I agree with this. Mine are designed to get me through until that translation and most my neighbors die. I’ll then scavenge whatever I can.Preps are meant to get you through the adjustment from the old normal to the new normal.
If you plan on living off them forever you're making a major mistake.
If you're not thinking of what tools and knowledge you may need for the new normal you are making another one.
Problem is, nobody knows what the new normal will look like until it's here, so hedge your bets
Correct snarling is illegal but during a SHTF situation who’s going to come and arrest you for it or fine you? If you’re resorting to snaring to live there is no government left to punish you.I have trapped here in NY in my past, looking forward to trapping in my retirement too.
Know the regulations for the state your in, just b/c its shtf, regs don't get suspended.
Snaring in NY is illegal, carries a decent sized fine, however cable restraint devices are legal for beaver.
And BTW, beaver is tasty, and a rather rich meat product in taste.
Not quite the same.Amusing that we all think of ourselves as extreme survivalists.
If things actually get as bad as this scenario suggests we’ll all be competing for the domestic pets for sustenance. After that at our age most of us will perish after a time. Want confirmation. Go spend a week in the bush , maybe the Adirondacks and see just how tough it is to live off the land. Unless your planing to be a city scavenger. Things rarely go the way you need them to. I spent a week up in the Adirondack back country some twenty five years ago when I was in my 30’s with a good friend who was considered one of the best trappers in the region . I fancied myself a pretty good woodsman having hunted and trapped ( somewhat) all of my life. He, my friend, lived the woodsman trapper lifestyle for a living. We both carried what we comfortably could and set out on a remote tract to set up his new trap line that he was granted a permit for, for the season. That week was the most eye opening week that I have ever spent out in the bush. It’s a life style that most would never be able to adapt to . Even those that have some experience.
Alaska has 730,000 people and nys has 19.5 million people so it makes sense.I remember reading somewhere that NY State has more trappers than Alaska. I checked this out and found that NY State has an estimated 10,000 people involved in trapping and Alaska has an estimated 2,500 to 3,500. I found this very interesting. I would have thought Alaska would have many more people trapping than NY State.
Agreed. I’d stay out as well. I know my area and I know where to get food and many different varieties of it. Most have no clue of what animals are even around me. People are astonished to hear I trap raccoons or possums in my area. They don’t believe me.Not quite the same.
If S ever HTF that bad I have no intention of leaving my home.
I may be setting up some snares or other traps and certainly expaning a garden to supplement our diet.
The trick is to gain the skills anf acquire the tools now. SHTF is not the time to try to learn that stuff. Much easier when you can still google stuff, watch YouTube videos on it, and order things online.