Election year propaganda. Nobody is going to jail for this. Remember "lock her up"? This is designed to swing a few minds and get a few votes. You are talking about some VERY powerful people who can be on a plane leaving the country in minutes if they need too. I support Trump, but i see this as what it is, food for the mindless voter.
Thank God some one else sees the liberals want to legalize pedophilia.The rabbit hole will go down far with this one. Not to mention that fucking Democrats are trying to legalize pedophilia.
Round up the pedophiles onto an island, then
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Election year propaganda. Nobody is going to jail for this. Remember "lock her up"? This is designed to swing a few minds and get a few votes. You are talking about some VERY powerful people who can be on a plane leaving the country in minutes if they need too. I support Trump, but i see this as what it is, food for the mindless voter.
Then again, they might have dirt on Trump.
They can fabricate it easily, Make some allegations that maxwell would be willing to say. BAM! you've got a scandal!